The Rapid Response® Drug Screen Cup is a rapid, one-step rapid test that detects multiple drugs and metabolites in urine and is now enhanced with the addition of a fentanyl test strip. With the rising prevalence of fentanyl in the drug supply, incorporating fentanyl testing into our test cups is a critical feature, providing you with accurate and rapid results that meet your testing needs.
The Rapid Response® Drug Screen Cup can be a single drug test cup or used for any combination of the listed analytes below:
Test |
Cut-off (ng/mL) |
Acetaminophen (ACE) |
5,000 |
Amphetamine (AMP) |
1,000/500/300 |
Barbiturates (BAR) |
300/200 |
Benzodiazepines (BZO) |
500/300/200/100 |
Buprenorphine (BUP) |
10/5 |
Cocaine (COC) |
300/200/150/100 |
Marijuana (THC) |
300/150/50/25/20 |
Methadone (MTD ) |
300/200 |
Methamphetamine (MET) |
1,000/500/300 |
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) |
1,000/500/300 |
Morphine (MOP/OPI) |
300/200/100 |
Methaqualone (MQL) |
300 |
Opiate (OPI) |
2,000 |
Phencyclidine (PCP) |
25 |
Propoxyphene (PPX) |
300 |
Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA) |
1,000/500 |
Tramadol (TML) |
300/200/100 |
Ketamine (KET) |
1,000/500/300/100 |
Oxycodone (OXY) |
300/100 |
Cotinine (COT) |
500/200/100/50/10 |
2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP) |
300/100 |
Fentanyl (FYL) |
20/10/1 |
Synthetic Marijuana (K2) |
50/30 |
6-mono-aceto-morphine (6-MAM) |
10 |
(±) 3,4-Methylenedioxy-Amphetamine (MDA) |
500 |
Ethyl- β-D-Glucuronide (ETG) |
1,000/500/300 |
Clonazepam (CLO) |
400/150 |
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) |
50/20/10 |
Methylphenidate (MPD) |
300 |
Methylphenidate (MPD) |
1,000 |
Zolpidem (ZOL) |
50 |
Diazepam (DIA) |
300/200 |
Zopiclone(ZOP) |
50 |
Methcathinone(MCAT) |
500 |
7-Aminoclonazepam (7-ACL) |
300/200/100 |
Carfentanyl (CFYL) |
500 |
Caffeine (CAF) |
1,000 |
Cathine (CAT) |
150 |
Tropicamide (TRO) |
350 |
3, 4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) |
1,000/500 |
Mephedrone (MEP) |
100 |
Alprazolam (ALP) |
100 |
10 |
α-Pyrrolidinovalerophenone (α-PVP) |
1,000/500 |
Cannabinol (CNB) |
500 |
Meperidine (MPRD) |
100 |
Pregabalin (PGB) |
50,000 |
Trazodone (TZD) |
200 |
- Test cups
- Adulteration colour chart (when applicable)
- Product insert
The Rapid Response® Drug Screen Cup is a rapid, one-step rapid test that detects multiple drugs and metabolites in urine and is now enhanced with the addition of a fentanyl test strip. With the rising prevalence of fentanyl in the drug supply, incorporating fentanyl testing into our test cups is a critical feature, providing you with accurate and rapid results that meet your testing needs.
The Rapid Response® Drug Screen Cup can be a single drug test cup or used for any combination of the listed analytes below:
Test |
Cut-off (ng/mL) |
Acetaminophen (ACE) |
5,000 |
Amphetamine (AMP) |
1,000/500/300 |
Barbiturates (BAR) |
300/200 |
Benzodiazepines (BZO) |
500/300/200/100 |
Buprenorphine (BUP) |
10/5 |
Cocaine (COC) |
300/200/150/100 |
Marijuana (THC) |
300/150/50/25/20 |
Methadone (MTD ) |
300/200 |
Methamphetamine (MET) |
1,000/500/300 |
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) |
1,000/500/300 |
Morphine (MOP/OPI) |
300/200/100 |
Methaqualone (MQL) |
300 |
Opiate (OPI) |
2,000 |
Phencyclidine (PCP) |
25 |
Propoxyphene (PPX) |
300 |
Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA) |
1,000/500 |
Tramadol (TML) |
300/200/100 |
Ketamine (KET) |
1,000/500/300/100 |
Oxycodone (OXY) |
300/100 |
Cotinine (COT) |
500/200/100/50/10 |
2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP) |
300/100 |
Fentanyl (FYL) |
20/10/1 |
Synthetic Marijuana (K2) |
50/30 |
6-mono-aceto-morphine (6-MAM) |
10 |
(±) 3,4-Methylenedioxy-Amphetamine (MDA) |
500 |
Ethyl- β-D-Glucuronide (ETG) |
1,000/500/300 |
Clonazepam (CLO) |
400/150 |
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) |
50/20/10 |
Methylphenidate (MPD) |
300 |
Methylphenidate (MPD) |
1,000 |
Zolpidem (ZOL) |
50 |
Diazepam (DIA) |
300/200 |
Zopiclone(ZOP) |
50 |
Methcathinone(MCAT) |
500 |
7-Aminoclonazepam (7-ACL) |
300/200/100 |
Carfentanyl (CFYL) |
500 |
Caffeine (CAF) |
1,000 |
Cathine (CAT) |
150 |
Tropicamide (TRO) |
350 |
3, 4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) |
1,000/500 |
Mephedrone (MEP) |
100 |
Alprazolam (ALP) |
100 |
10 |
α-Pyrrolidinovalerophenone (α-PVP) |
1,000/500 |
Cannabinol (CNB) |
500 |
Meperidine (MPRD) |
100 |
Pregabalin (PGB) |
50,000 |
Trazodone (TZD) |
200 |
- Please note that certain products may only be available in specific regions; kindly consult with a sales representative for further information regarding product availability.
- The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical concerns or conditions.
- Our products are intended for use as specified in the product documentation. It is important to carefully read and follow all instructions provided with the product.